Counter-Strike 1.6 Server On FreeBSD

前幾天雄雄間心中湧起想打cs 的念頭。

從大二後就幾乎沒打過cs , 突然很想回味一下

在網路上找找文章,看了一下知道原來要架cs server 有一個軟体(hlds)

上網找了找~~最新的好像是hlds_1120,不過這個似乎是在linux suse 下的環境 compile的

so要在bsd 上裝的話,就要裝linux emulator 了

在freebsd 中的manual 中有說該如何去裝linux emulator


John Baldwin on FreeBSD

One of the main reasons that I'm so involved with Open Source is that I've always been fascinated by figuring out how things work. In this interview, John Baldwin of the FreeBSD project gives some insight on what it is like to be a FreeBSD developer and some of the things that happen behind the scenes of a large Open Source project.

