links for 2008-08-19 2008-08-20 作者: johnpupu Drupal 教學 | JOE Tsui's Drupal site (tags: drupal) 65 Excellent jQuery Resources (tutorials,cheat sheets,ebooks,demos,plugins…) | Speckyboy – WordPress and Design (tags: jQuery) OC查價王 OCPRICE (tags: 光華) BlueprintCSS alive again | (tags: css) Doctrine – Open Source PHP ORM (tags: php orm) 9.2. Zend_Db_Select (tags: zendframework) memcached的分布式算法-Consistent Hashing | 排头兵-互联网技术开发实践 (tags: memcached) Zend_Db_Table and tables relationships – Digital Fashion (tags: zendframework)